23 December, 2012


baptist church
-ok, not as warm and inviting as Adventist
-really good music service
-explored a deli and got a yummy pesto sandwich!

22 December, 2012


Adventist church
-first day of public transport
-smallish church
-very nice people
-Austrian dude with a traditional suit turned out to be a surgeon at the adventist hospital here in Berlin
-met a girl that goes to school in the uk
-very nice people in general
-retuned back to hostel because it was so cold :p


day of the apocalypse
-Ritter sport museum and chocolate
-Christmas market hopping

20 December, 2012


end of the world eve
-walking tour
-didn't learn anything
-Brandenburg gate
-checkpoint Charlie
-Berlin wall
-Jew memorial (buildings/time tables)
-different cathedrals
-book burning


-early day to airport
-it was rainy
-flight was delayed an hour
-really annoying plane trip with children
-Raquel met her German exchange student after 3 years
-met her grandfather
- found hostel
-walked around Berlin for a bit
-Christmas market
-warm beverage
-donut hole look alikes
-lots of meat
-wonderful hostel with curtain


-day of rest
-slept till 12
-bread and breakfast lunch
-shopping and hanging out in Dublin
-spicy Mexican burritos


-Irish country tour
-early morning
-sleeping tour and green frogs
-very thorough your guide Gary
-Irish pub experience
-cliffs of mohr
-thatched roofs
-lots of sheep


-walking tour of Dublin
-rain, going in a cafe
-hostel planning
-planning for country tour


-miracle getting flight on time
-walking around in Dublin

11 December, 2012

This Christmas Season

After multiple days off of school because of holidays and fun things like that, this week we embark on our first finals week. Everyone at ESDES (Escuela Superior de Espana-Sagunto) has approached this finals week with very different preconceived ideas of "dead week" and the actual finals themselves, whether its studying or the actual act of taking the exam.

Coming from Southern, our dead week isn't what I've heard what other colleges do for  dead week. For example, por ejemplo, Walla Walla has different activities for the students to relieve stress before the exams. Southern...has candy...and doesn't let up on class work..or very rarely. At ESDES...the first few days before finals (Mon-half of  Wednesday) has been a type of a dead week. Although, Aunque, for me, my dead week was when we did not have class at all last week. So far, i have had a DELE (a class for all extranjeros (strangers) in Spain to take, its kinda like the SATs...but not really) final, an Art history final, a pre-grammar final, and first thing tomorrow i will have my history final. And then finally on Thursday and Friday we have conversation, composicion, grammar, and another "level, or nievl" test so we are placed accordingly after we get back from christmas break.

I have aced all my exams except for the pre-grammer exam...lo siento Lidia, but I'm scared! But within the last few days i have had the most interesting experiences! Tis the season for giving and receiving. Pero, in Spain, tis the season for giving, receiving, and learning new practices for the celebration of Christmas and New Years.

Today we had a mini Christmas celebration during our 30 minute break and then the celebrating went through our class, which happened to be comp.! horray! The first thing we did was we had a lottery. Cause that is what Spaniards do, i didn't win, but then again, that's why i never have or will play the lottery! After the lottery the Folklore class people sang Silent Night in Spanish, La Noche de Paz! Despues la cancion we began giving out our secret santa gifts that we have been building up till that moment. I got my secret amigo pens and highlighters like no ones business! and it just so happened that she was absolutely needing highlighters at that moment! SCORE!! my secret santa...oh my secret santa, turned out to be my roommate's best friend! She got me a cute bear beanie with fluffy ears and owl earrings...they were so cute and i absolutely loved both of them i wore them for the remainder of the day. My head/body was so warm i had to take the hat off because i was so warm!

after that all happened we had a New Years celebration. For new years in Spain, they have a tradition of eating one grape at each toll at midnight. Sounds awesome right? well it is...if you can actually eat 12 grapes.. WITH SEEDS mind you...within 12 mas o menos seconds. The Spaniards (Ana Hernandez, Juan Antonio, and the others DEMOLISHED the grapes. Me and mi amigos on the other hand MAYBE consumed 2 at MOST, i only got 1 down in fear of the seeds. Then promptly after the bell rang 12 times we popped the "sparkling cider" that was placed on our tables, threw confetti, clinked glasses and gave each other glad tidings of great joy! Ana Herdandez and our comp. teacher then began to flamenco together...it was grand! i know of one video of it out there, so i will try to attain it!

The experience was grand. and even though i will be in Hungary for New Years does not mean i wont be looking for seedless grapes at stores and will be continuing the grand tradition! We will get back to Valencia in time for the Day of the Magi, which is a main present giving holiday in Spain and for some kind of bread thing a friend was trying to explain to me. I am very excited for this holiday season, but at the same time I'm not looking forward to it...even if i think about it i can feel the tears welling up. But i will only allow them on one day...which is Christmas. other than that...i will be staying busy traveling and being with my dear friends :)

The Christmas season is upon us, remember those in need, and away from home for many different reasons, but above all, remember the original reason why Constantine felt like he needed to combine Jesus and Paganism, for community. Ok, so that's not what you should really remember, but be extra kind at your job, be extra special for your loved ones, and above all honor the Creator of the universe :D

why am i awake, you wonder?...dont worry about it :p