26 March, 2013



personally, i love planning. Im one of those people who loves to plan, but after the main skeleton of a trip is made, and adhered to, i enjoy an adventure to the fullest with security which is necessary for me to have a good time.
One trip that almost killed me was christmas break, which as three weeks of planning/not planning. very interesting stuff.
Recently my friends and i have decided to go to Alicante for spring break. it is a small town under sagunto, only heard of it, i know its by a beach (check)!
it will be very nice to get out of sagunto/the school for a little bit and recharge for the final stretch of school.
planning is going on for next year, including housing and classes. hopefully i will be able to graduate next year...ok, not hopefully, I WILL graduate, hopefully i will be able to graduate with what i want to graduate with :)

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