09 April, 2013

third and final trimestre

The final stretch has come at last. It is so hard to put my feelings into actual words.
1. I am excited
-for home
-for friends
-for parents(mommy hugs needed)
-for certain foods(ahhhhh)
-for classes(maybe that are hard?)
-internet that works!
2. I dont want to leave
-i love spain
-new friends(:D)
-constant spanish
-europe at my fingertips
-the food i have grown to like
-living by the beach
As you see it is a hard comparison, but right now Home is calling my name so loudly that i cant help being super dooper excited to go back to the mother land. Ive been tempted to pull out my suitcase and start packing what im not using. There are a few specific things that i wont be using, so its totally possible, but i dont want to be too hasty, wise words "dont be hasty". Things at school are coming together, adding a minor (intercultural communication), i now have a place to live, and hopefully work will follow suit! My english has being slowly getting worse and worse. Hopefully it will improve by the time i take classes that i need my knowledge of grammar/vocab, and correct writing skills i believe it will be a very fun time.

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