14 November, 2012

14 de Nov.: protest day

For the last few days i have not been able to sleep well. Either because i have been worried about SAU next year or just insomnia in general. Sunday morning/afternoon group C went over to Lidia's house (our tutor) and had an home cooked meal for the first time (for me) and talked and had fun. it was a nice change of pace, and plus i got to see her new house! it is located in the city near by- Petres! Sunday night my friends and i had a break from cafe food and made our own food in a kitchen located in the bottom of the girls dorm, which happens to be right under my dorm room! who knew! maybe this will prepare me for living on top of a pizza shop! Anyways, we made mexican food! included: fresh salsa made by raquel, pico de gallo by maria and rachel kearby, guac by rachel v, tortillas by me then rolled by a multitude of people and then "cooked" by cedric. OH and amazing mexican rice by..i think raquel :) it was a grand meal and we plan on making that again, if not just the torillas...they were amazing!

getting used to actual school may be the problem of sleeping. But last night i slept amazingly. went to bed around 11 ish and woke up at 9! right after i got two messages from friends at SAU on facebook, had a nice chat with both of them. one looking for a job and the other suffering from a broken foot :P so that was a nice refresher from the bog of people from spain. I love the people here dont get me wrong, but the people from home have a quality to them that brings a feeling of home, which is always welcome in my mind!

Today is protest day in Spain...Italy, Greece and Portugal. Jobs being at 50% doesnt sit so well in these parts so what do they do? they tell people and alert people to what they are suffering. In America, we just rant on facebook. Like the elections. and not getting enough sleep (i can say this because i have not posted anything on facebook about my lack of sleep lately). I say this speil about the protests because of one simple reasons (among other more complicated ones): because i was planning on going out for Horchata with the school. really spain? you have denied me the fruits of your beautiful country!

History class was fun. We are starting to learn about the Inquisition in spain, starting at siglo XI. When we started about talking about isabel and ferdinand my ears perked up. we had the option of asking a question that was not addressed in the assigned reading for the previous night, so i set upon the task of figuring something out so the teacher would realize that i am an interested student and that i am paying attention. I came up with the question "was ferdinand a king along side isabel or was he just a prince like prince philip in england?" of course it was in spanish, but that was the only difference. He said "muy bien" to me, aka AN A+ bam! i love history! and it was the first class of the day, which meant i actually understood a good percentage of what he was saying!

This post has been brought to you by: the gummies my mommy sent to me :D

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