08 November, 2012


The last couple of days I've had a lot of time to think and ponder over many different subjects. whether it was during worship, while zoning in class, or while i was waiting for passport dealings to happen and end. Not really over the elections, because all the people ranting and raving over them on Facebook made me SICK. Mostly over life in general.
How do i plan on spending it.
Where will i work?
Will i keep contact with the amazing people i am meeting here?
Will i learn Spanish in time to leave Spain?
Do i cut my hair, dye my hair, both, or neither?
I miss my parents
What homework do i have for the next day?
Plans for Christmas
What will happen on my first Christmas away from home? (this makes me teary)
Is there really the right guy out there for me?
Did i make a mistake?
What it would be like to drive after a whole lot of months not driving?
When should i buy a stick-shift car?
These are only a portion of what goes through my mind on a daily basis. But i need to realize that i shouldn't worry. I think that it is good that i forget all these musings a couple of minutes after they enter my brain, so i don't get overloaded and explode. Granted i try to think in Spanish, but that skill is still on its way.

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