22 November, 2012

Thanksgiving Away From Home

My first Thanksgiving away from home. Need i say more? I didnt really think about what that meant or how that would effect my emotions.

First of all, yesterday i twisted my ankle for the 3rd time since i have been here. JOY! But let me get to the actual day. This morning i had the intention of taking advantage of having no school and sleeping in until my body could not handle any more sleep, little did i know that my body had enough sleep after falling asleep at 11 and waking up at 9. I wanted to go to breakfast but breakfast had just ended so i just stayed in bed. My early morning consisted of one American TV show, gummy bears from home, and staying in bed. At 11 the people here had a series of games of flag football! it was raining so my rain jacket had a good work out! I took videos and pictures! But the games were definintly not boring, Christian, one of our teachers (of conversation), played and he actually made a touchdown!! A few people got knocked about, but no one really died :D

After football everyone had lunch, which was not bad, and i had to help with the final preperations for thanksgiving dinner including making the salad, baked mac and cheese and the final preperations on the other food (stuffing, sweet potatoes and other things). It didnt last long so i went back to my room and chilled, thinking of what i would wear and such (ended up wearing my cute black halter dress with the crocheted looking top). At 6 i had to go to the play practise that the theatre people were doing for the dinner. I was a pilgram that died because it was so cold in winter (with my short sleeved white shirt that i picked up in the girls dorm lobby give away box).

Finally at 7:30 the dinner began, we sang the National Anthem at first, had prayer, did the play of Pocahontas and John Smith, then finally we ate. The dinner was the greatest thanksgiving dinner i have ever had. Probably because the food was homemade by us, and it had AMAZING flavor. A. the salad was amazing B.the potatoes were the best...i dont know how or why but they were good! C. Bakcd Mac and Cheese. sigh....i had a good thanksgiving dinner :) After dinner we sat around talking, listening to music. a few people sang special songs and did little cute things, one group of persons sang Baby Its Cold Outside! I giggled!! Stuff like that. To drink was fake wine, like what is sold at the VM, sparkling grape juice without the sparkling, i think it was real grape juice! After some people sang we had dessert, apparently there was enough pie for people, 50 pies with 8 pieces a pie! COMO UNOS JEFES!!!

today was a blast, and i believe i have never had a better thanksgiving ever and it will be pretty hard to beat when i get back state-side.

1 comment:

  1. All the ACA students put on a great performance. Thank you for inviting me and sharing the wonderful holiday!
