14 January, 2013

Events, 13 January and 14 January!

Hello ya'll :) It has been a grand while since ive written a long post, during christmas break wifi was not always available and so i only wrote outlines of each day, not even doing the bulk of Hungary. I am sorry for this, and maybe when i have ample amount of time i will be able to fill my family and friends in on the wild happenings of my life :) In the mean time, here is what has been transpiring during the last couple of days!

This whole previous weekend has been a dash and stop spectacle. One moment something will be going on and then the next few hours there is absolutely nothing happening. Maybe this is because i have yet to get used to the new schedule for this trimester, or it also might be because my life is meant to be spontaneously bored and then abruptly filled with events!

Yesterday, Sunday, was a pretty fun day for several reasons. The night before i was watching Across the Universe with a few of my girlfriends and at the end, one of the Spanish ladies came in and asked for volunteers to help with a half marathon in Sagunto (our town). After one person said yes, i buckled and agreed as well, followed by my two remaining friends. Hooray.....!!! We had to be at the guy's dorm by 8 am. Ok...thats not BAD....but its definitely horrible for a Sunday morning, ugh! We arrived at the guy's dorm at 8 am SHARP and there were already people waiting, but no adults that were supposed to drive us. Ok, i said, i will wait until 8:30 and then im ditching. 8:30 came along, still no one....Ok, i said, Spaniards are known to be late, no big deal, 9 o'clock rolls up, (breakfast starts at 9) I am hungry, i will get something to eat with a friend of mine and then come back to see if anyone has shown up yet. 9 o'clock, the adults come! We still went to get something to eat and the adults were there to take me and my friend. No pasa nada.

We get to the town square of Sagunto and we end up flinging confetti all over the runners as we started! it was very fun, my heart was pumping cause of the excitement. But FYI, you think spandex is bad in the United States? imagine 100% of the mostly men at the event wearing spandex and/or REALLY short running shorts. It was not a pretty sight for my eyes, but my eves got used to not looking eventually :).

After the run started everyone in the square kind of hung around and chilled. There was a drum corp that was playing! One of the guys in the corp was "looking for a girlfriend" and apparently one of the other chicas in my group motioned to the leader of the corp that i was looking for a boyfriend, so he kept on motioning to me to come closer to their band. It was absolutely hilarious and i was freaking out. A. I didnt know how to talk to them, B. random guy in Sagunto for 1 hr??? C. that was just aqward. I could of made a fool of myself cause i would never see them again, and i like being random, but i was not expecting that one :p So throughout the morning the leader and the guy kept on looking our/my direction. once in a while we would make eye contact, but then i would just swirl my head away like an embarrassed chica, giggle!

That was the main thing that happened sunday. after i got back from Sagunto, i went immediately to my room and chilled out. studied a little, slept a little, ate at the specified times, and finally went to bed.

Today, monday, the first day of the school week. Has been uneventful. After class i came back to my room and studied until dinner. I now have everything done up to homework from today! Horray!!!

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