26 January, 2013


OK, so the tale continues. Festivals are usually festive and beautiful with lots of glamerous lights surrounding the streets. This festival, The Running of the Bulls, is nothing like this.

The scene goes as follows. In Sagunto, our little town, there was a main road where everybody set up camp. It was just a mile's worth of road, but on either side of the road there was different roads that connected to the main road where barriers were set up to contain the bull. These barriers were at a slant, with the boards separated so someone could easily run up them and be safe from the bounding horns that would be close behind them. I stationed myself behind the barriers so i could see, but i could be safe...AT THE SAME TIME!

The experience started out by waiting....and waiting. We werent sure what was happening, but good things come to those who wait right? Finally a truck came out holding the toro. All the people in the street crowded around to be right by the toro. From all the way back i could hear the truck shaking because of the bull inside, it was quite frightening. Finally the toro was released, only held by a rope, and fire balls were basically stuck on the ends of his horns to make the experience more exciting! It was pretty easy to see it coming, but there was no need to actually see the bull to see if it was coming or not, more like all of the people running out of its way!

The enviroment wasnt exactly what i expected, dim lighting, except on the main road, the air was full of mind-altering smoke, and little boys who were almost clinging to my leg because everyone was so close.

Seeing the bull made heart race! This is something i have only heard about, and i am expierencing it!!

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