25 February, 2013

if youre having a bad day, i wouldnt recommend this post

Nothing like blogging at 1037 at night :P i havent blogged in a while, and believe it or not, i have a good reason. Whether you would believe me or not is another question.

These couple of months have been the hardest and weirdest months that i have ever gone through, emotionally and mentally. Which in this case goes hand in hand.

Since Christmas break school has been sucking up my time like spongebob squarepants on a sunday afternoon. (see what i did there?). But, that is normal right? Yes, and no. School here is different, as i have stated before, but now more than ever i am embracing the "wait until its actually due" mentality here in Spain, although it is completely normal in the US to do, but i felt like i would change my ways since this is a new experience and all. Surprisingly though, when it wouldnt work in the US, it totally works here in Spain. The grading system is set up so basically all that counts are quiz and test grades with the occasional homework that is actually recorded in the grade log. School has a funny was of sucking you in so that you enjoy it, but the further you go the more lazy you get because of how "easy" and "routine" affects work. I am totally feeling that at this moment.

At the beginning of this year i told myself no TV shows, because they got in the way last year at SAU. I achieved that and i was very pleased with myself, until teachers decided to give us no homework and i discovered Doctor Who, Walking Dead, and another show. And of course the lovely invention of YouTube has made my sundays quite enjoyable but unproductive. The weird thing is...my work/grade will not suffer. It doesnt make sense, but its true, somehow. This mentality will greatly screw with next year when i have to buckle down and graduate. HAH yay....i see more blog posts about that in my future.

Keeping with the school theme. Southern decides to give students required work from a book they gave us (well we purchased it but...ya) and adding to all the homework and trips that we have to do requirements for, we have to think of differences between the two cultures, that i am content with noticing and telling everyone about when i get home.

Straying from the school topic i will elaborate on the emotion and mental toil that i talked about/

DISCLAIMER: sorry this is really negative, my experience here is wonderful, but with wonderfulness comes the storm clouds

I miss home. I admit it. I cannot stop thinking about being in the airplane on my way to New York and then DC and running through customs and dropping my bags and embracing my mommy and daddy like i havent seen them in years....because it has been close to a year. things to watch and do with friends and family runs through my head unceasingly. My mental state is in a frenzy, trying to enjoy and absorb spanish and the culture while missing my home country like CRAZY. 

Theres moments when im talking with my parents or close friends where a tear wells up in the thought that i havent seen them. and i wont see them anytime soon.

Once i say that i must say that there are 81 days left until i leave...not like anyone is counting/

What would i do for some freshly made kiss cookies and some LaPaz? im not sure...but its something fierce.

I have met some grand friends here. Who help me to keep my mind off home and keep me busy. I thank God for them and i wish i could thank them enough, but little conversations about the latest doctor who or white collar episode, or a random musical song comes up in conversation, those little things make time easier to swallow down the long tubes of days and months. Fellowship is one thing about this campus that makes it a fun place to be around, and then to escape as much as possible!

My grandma is not at her best right now, actually they both arent. This is where a portion of the emotional comes in. Obviously people dont live forever, but when i want to be with my mom while she goes through this hard time, i cant. The few times that we can skype are not enough, if the internet works. If the internet does not work, there is no point...no point. Being far away i assume is preparing me to live alone later in life. that is the only silver lining that i can find in this slice of the experience here.

There will be positive posts in the future, but i have to find time for those :p

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