25 February, 2013

Happy Post!

I feel like i should follow up the previous post with something not as melancholy so i dont get eye brow raises. "Um...is Kari ok?" Yes, i am great! This year has changed my life and the ways i appreciate things that make my life...livable at home.

Great things has happened since i blogged in January. I have grown closer to more chicas that i have grown to treasure. Both for their wisdom/knowledge and their qualities as friends.

People back in the US who keep me sane, you are treasured, and i am so thankful for your friendship.  i love talking to people who i crave their responses.

although i dont talk to my parents as much as i would like to, the few times i do talk to them are tremendously special and i love them more than ever. You guys are the bestest!

To those who have opened my eyes to new things...you keep my life interesting!

about a week ago i explore Castellano with a couple of my friends. That seemed to be where Spain was hiding all of the hot spanish guys. We had a nice dinner and ice cream while looking in the stores for a quick bit. Rebajas are still going on, Rebajas are a sort of extended black friday lasting january and febuary. it is quite interesting to see all the prices marked off, but theyre still pretty high!

Lamby sends his salutations.

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