26 September, 2012


The school took a trip to Sagunto today. The trip was kind of like the trip i took with my friends last week. There were three major things we did, so in the interest of keeping everybody's thoughts organized i shall explain in paragraphs :)

We all met in the cafeteria at 9 o'clock where we were all given instructions to what we were doing, which was first, going to the Roman amphitheatere, the castle, and finally the market. At that time i thought the market was just an indoor venue with little shops and things, like a flea market or whatnot...even after all the markets i went to last summer...*facepalm. We then loaded up the buses and shipped out for Sagunto. The trip was so short compared to the hour bike ride we had taken sunday, obviously. The bus driver dropped up off at the bus stop at the edge of Sagunto and we continued to walk in through the city, a few of the sites that we had to pay attention to, and some i didnt know existed were: Iglesia de Santa Maria, Juderia (a form of a Jewish ghetto, not the bad kind of ghetto, but the place where they all lived. There was a museo that was dedicated to that which we had a chance to go to, but i didnt :/ ) and finally we arrived at our first destination: THE ROMAN THEATRE. The theatre was a roman amphitheatre which people had mistook as Greek, but after deliberation they came to the conclusion it was Roman because of the curved arches while the greeks usually had square. The theatre was half of a Colosseum, but with a stage and whatnot. On the backdrop of the stage was stone pieces left from when the amphitheatre was originally original (a pillar, pieces of the tops and bottoms of pillars and random stones that made up the building). The lady who was telling us all the information told us the history of Sagunto, There was a mix of cultures because of Sagunto being a big port city, which meant a trading city. The information was interesting, history+spanish=happy Kari :D

oh and by the way i think im going to start introducing myself as Kari, the babysitter from the Incredibles :P

After we explored the ampitheatre we traversed on an off-the-beaten track/hiking trail up to the castillo that i had only taken pictures of! When we arrived at the castillo we just explored!! So totally fun, the castillo is from the medeavl times (pronounced med-eh-val) so there was only stones set up in a few places. There was a spot where you could see the different rooms and things, there were a couple of main places we visited, due to a worksheet we had to fill out...fun...They were: a dungeon and an Arab arch. (pictures are included). The arch was amazing and big, with clover leaves on the top...like cut out of the building...you will see them. BUT the dungeon was creepy and cool. The stairs leading down to it were steep and worn down from lots of use! As we walked down, we were just emersed in darkness except for a small window at the end of the walkway. We then turned right and went down a hall way which stored the individual cells. VERY cool....except by the 2nd cell mi amiga and i were startled/scard-ed by a few dudes who thought it funny to scare everyone who came into the hall. They succeeded, we had a few laughs in spite of ourselves! After the fact we sat around, looking at the awe-ing view looking over Sagunto and the Med. Sea. My "ship radar" was triggered when i saw a ship in the sea, (daddy: i took a picture!). There were random pieces of broken stone...i think, around our feet and i found a piece that looked like it came from a pillar...totally grabbed it! it was very beautiful, old, but beautiful because of the age it held.

We had to be back at the bus by 1, so we started heading back to the town area. Wednesday is apparently Market day here in Sagunto. So when we got to the main street there were table after table of clothes (scarves((bufandas)), underwear, shirts, pants, shoes...), electronic's cases, jewelery, sunglasses (five euros!), and all kinds of food! There was a churro truck/cart that had 4 churros for one euro. Just the random things that make up someone's life! We were totally tagged as American though, it made me sad. How do i know this? around the market there were little boys asking for change and whatever-ness, and my friend and i were walking down a street when i could see this boy start RUNNING out of a store almost perpendicular to us and stopped right in front of us and asked us for change. *sigh...must take more blending in lessons, i guess it will come with time :) There was a lot of talking amongst the people buying things, and talking with friends and such. We was spanish police officers. NOT what i expected, they look like ours...but...skinnier (mas delgados). im not sure...but they were chilling, making sure everything went well.

Tomorrow it is back to classes and PICTURE DAY!!! Dont forget to look through a link so see pictures from today :D i wi

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