24 September, 2012


Today...well a few minutes ago was monday. the twenty fourth...viente cuarto. Looking back at it...It was a rather emotional day. Today was my first day with two of my soon to be favorite classes: History of Art and History of Espana! The teacher was a man, a rather large man, but  he seemed to be a very knowledgeable history teacher. He also does a lot of gestures and movement around the classroom  to get his point across. He didnt really give any information that was useful to our lives, other than how Spain was started, and half of that i didnt really understand. Those two classes and the teacher was one of the highs of my day.

Another high was talking with my mom. I havent really had a long conversation with her about really anything, although i had a conversation with her sunday night, it was a good follow up conversation. Which was followed by a conversation about getting google voice. which ended up as a low. It was just so frustrating, all the ins and outs, and not able to find a place to get a number, and then i might already have a number, but i dont know it/where it is. and ofcourse google knows that i will have these problems so they dont give any customer service so i cant send them angry emails! psychics!!! pero, (but), thankfully my mommy can research it, i will try to continue with it as well, but i have other genes that makes me frustrated quickly and not being able to think straight and correctly....:) (thank you) I love my mom, she is always there to blabber with!

The second high was hearing my dad's voice! i havent really talked with him, and because i was so frustrated with him i just balled half the time i was talking with him...both because of the frustration and because i miss him so much. im not going to blabber on of how much im thankful for him...but hes da bomb diggity!

And i kinda booked a trip to Milan, Italy....with mis chicas....my heart made a few fist pumps with my ribcage...(right?) !!!

Its really late..and my emotional self needs sleep, hasta luego!

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