24 September, 2012


Hola! im writing this on monday, incase anyone is confused about the date. Yesterday was a whirlwind of pain, enjoyment, fun, and more pain! Sunday is normally the day to study and do all the hard work you dont want to do for the rest of the upcoming week. Here in Spain, we like to have fun while studying! Some friends and i, about four other friends, went to the beach to study! Instead of walking there or taking a bus (it is about an hour to and from) we took bikes provided by the school! First we had to sign them out and we waited for our group to get situated with all the things they needed (towel, books, water, etc) and we started off. Since we are situated on a hill the ride down was quite easy with only one main upwards hill. I thought that was bad, but i didnt see what was coming! When we arrived at the beach it was muy fabuloso! The sand is very smooth and fine! There were a lot of people on the beach which was a change from the beach we went to with the school. The new beach was a nice change of scenery! We laid out then went to the water and played in the waves for while. The water is beautiful and clear, not cold, but not hot so it was enjoyable! after a while we went back onto the sand and did homework! Gramatica y conversacion. the work did not last long so we got to sleep on the beach, take pictures, and whatever caught our fancy! The way back was somewhat anti climatic :/ You know how i told you that it was all down hill from the school? well, the trek back was all up hill. (not underhill..hah) Let's just say the majority of us took mas o menos breaks every so kilometer. and the hill that serves as the driveway to the school was all walking. It was a great experience...my butt doesnt think so right now...but maybe ill do it again! That is what i remember mostly about sunday. The food was pretty good for supper, so that helped our aching muscles and such. I am writing this monday night and i still feel the burn  in my arms and legs...RAH!! working out FOR THE WIN!

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