19 September, 2012

Airport and First Full Day

Hello from Espana! The last couple of days have been fun filled to the brim! this post will contain all my thoughts and whatnot from the last two days of traveling and then today, my first full day in Spain. 

My flight experience was delightful! At first when i went to Dulles I hung out with my parents for the last time for a while, we talked, made sure everything worked and was organized. When the time came to leave the moment was sad...a few tears, but it all worked. My flight from Dulles to Paris was exciting and heartbreaking all the same time. The plane i took was an AirBus, mike wahlen schooled me in what that really meant. The AirBus has two levels and is expertly made, too expertly made. The walls of the plane are curved, so when i usually lean against the wall to sleep on a regular plane, i was not able to because the wall was so far away from me. Therefore i got no sleep for the six hour flight. I watched Hugo!! it was a grand movie, and i read a good portion of Don Quixote, finally, (very good book) also i got to look out the window a whole bunch. 
When we got out in Paris we had to go to another terminal. I was not the only one so i was not alone! I met a lady who "couch-surfed" mind you that she was mid-forties, i was very impressed! We met in line of customs/passport check. The process took a while, but she was a nice distraction. She explained how the couch-surfing process worked, which seemed like an easy process! She was a "host" person in her home-base New York. After getting a France/Paris stamp i finally made it to my terminal. On the way i met a nice man who lived in Valencia and we talked about randomness. He told me lots of information about Spain/Valencia and the culture. one thing i specifically thought was interesting is that the cities build vertically, not horizontally. Because of the culture, the majority of la gente (people), live in apartamentos, apartments. Coming to Sagunto there is an abundance of apartments and i don't see a lot of actual regular houses as we see in the US. 
After getting to Valencia i went to the baggage check to wait for my baggage. I was extremely nervous about getting my bags because of my experience with Delta, but my bag was about the fifth bag to come through the baggage conveyor belt thing. I was excited! I did not get a Spain stamp in my passport... disappointed but not defeated...maybe when i leave they will have a tighter customs? AH i want a Spain stamp! 
At the school i was completely tired and all, but we got to the campus (a half an hour away from Valencia) and i moved into my room (first floor in a three floor girls' dorm). The rooms are quaint, one single bed and a bunk, although there is only two of us in the room. There is a desk and some shelves with three closets. The closets are alike those in SAU, not very wide, but deep enough for clothes with a shelf on the top. After a yummy supper I WENT TO BED. For the first time in the whole summer i slept almost 12 hours...like 10 hours. it was AMAZING. It was hot...but the hot was worth it. 
Today, was my first full day in Sagunto. woke up, had breakfast (sugar crisps for the win) and random fruit. We had various activities and orientation (school starting tomorrow). After orientation we went to the city of Sagunto and went to their version of Walmart, it was basically a supermarket, with all things that ranged to electronics to food to detergent. I got some detergent so i can have nice smelling clothes sometimes HAHA I met a nice chica and we hung out for the majority of the day. it was nice to hang out with her because we actually tried to converse in spanish, as much as we could :) Speaking in spainsh made the experience more...meaningful. At the orientation the director told us all to expect to have to do, including speaking spanish, when to go to classes, food whateverness. After the supermaket we went the beach. the Mediterranean, whaaat???!! yes...i put my feet in the Mediterranean sea :D it was pretty epic, but so far i have only laid on the beach, but soon :) Had pasta for supper today...it was rather good, there was also bread with cheese and tomato slices on top. muy bueno!  

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