It has been a whole week of school…well not officially, only
tue-Friday. Friday (today)was the worst day ever! For so many reasons;
A. its Friday, a reason enough.
B. my understanding level went to an all time low, and we had a “quiz” today in grammar, did not do well on.
C. the lovely chicas in the girls dorm didn’t collect their laundry so I had to hang dry my clothes. Granted I did not have a problem with this, but my clothes don’t dry “properly” aka they don’t shrink a little before I wear them, idk why I like that fact but I do. And also its part of what my laundry is…its washing and then drying…AHH CHICAS WHY!?!?
D. 2 peoples Macs died, one of demon possession and one from milk. Yum milk, too bad I don’t have a supply of you here!
E. roommate’s wallet got jacked, shall I say anymore, I feel helpless in the situation, but she got everything under control in a record time. All I know is that I would be worrying about it until I got my replacement cards back…and then some for the fact that my wallet got jacked.
F. I skipped lunch. The first time I skipped lunch here…I overestimated the time I can go without the carbs that they give us here *sigh
I am thankful that I can leave Sagunto for ANOTHER week and go to Madrid, from what I can see online we have a beautiful hostel, and I am with 2 other beautiful ladies. I am so excited! We are going to a place that is famous on the NEWS, on the AMERICAN news! Granted its not good news but oh well!
A. its Friday, a reason enough.
B. my understanding level went to an all time low, and we had a “quiz” today in grammar, did not do well on.
C. the lovely chicas in the girls dorm didn’t collect their laundry so I had to hang dry my clothes. Granted I did not have a problem with this, but my clothes don’t dry “properly” aka they don’t shrink a little before I wear them, idk why I like that fact but I do. And also its part of what my laundry is…its washing and then drying…AHH CHICAS WHY!?!?
D. 2 peoples Macs died, one of demon possession and one from milk. Yum milk, too bad I don’t have a supply of you here!
E. roommate’s wallet got jacked, shall I say anymore, I feel helpless in the situation, but she got everything under control in a record time. All I know is that I would be worrying about it until I got my replacement cards back…and then some for the fact that my wallet got jacked.
F. I skipped lunch. The first time I skipped lunch here…I overestimated the time I can go without the carbs that they give us here *sigh
I am thankful that I can leave Sagunto for ANOTHER week and go to Madrid, from what I can see online we have a beautiful hostel, and I am with 2 other beautiful ladies. I am so excited! We are going to a place that is famous on the NEWS, on the AMERICAN news! Granted its not good news but oh well!
I mentioned this in my Spanish blog but there has been a lot
of people sick from the salad in Morocco, and probably the water in the various
places we went to. Thankfully somehow I did not get sick, even though I chowed
down on the salad in Morocco. But there has been a good plenty of people here
that have had several ailments connected with food poisoning. Fun Fun! So I’ve
heard random stories from several people and I cringe. I only have an annoying
cough. Like that cough that just happens every once in a while? Well yea, I have
that, and I still blow my nose once in a while…this has been taking half a
week, and by this time I have started taking medicine.
The weekend has arrived, aka sleep time, oh how I do not
want to go to vespers….wait, have I ever wanted to go to vespers? Nope.
Oh and we have untold amount of homework for this break,
cause you know, everyone is staying on campus (sarcasm), like we have a quiz on
the Monday that we get back….we are not in America.